Astra SDK  v2.1.3
命名空间 | | 枚举
Astra 命名空间参考

struct  ApiStatus
class  AstraException
class  Body
class  BodyFrame
struct  BodyFrameInfo
class  BodyMask
class  BodyStream
class  BodyTracking
class  ColorFrame
class  ColorizedBodyFrame
class  ColorizedBodyStream
class  ColorStream
class  Context
class  CoordinateMapper
class  DataFrame
class  DataStream
class  DepthFrame
class  DepthStream
class  DeviceController
 get information from device or set states of device. before you use this, check if the StreamSet is available. 更多...
class  FloorInfo
class  FloorMask
struct  HandPoseInfo
class  ImageFrame
class  ImageMode
class  ImageStream
class  InfraredFrame
class  InfraredStream
class  Joint
class  MaskedColorFrame
class  MaskedColorStream
struct  Matrix3x3
class  OrbbecCameraParams
class  Plane
class  PointFrame
class  PointStream
class  ReaderFrame
 Contains frames from opened streams. 更多...
class  StreamDescription
class  StreamReader
class  FrameReadyEventArgs
class  StreamSet
 A StreamSet represents a logical group of related streams, the most common of these being an Astra camera device 更多...
class  StreamTypeInfo
class  StreamTypeRegistry
class  USBInfo
struct  Vector2D
struct  Vector3D


enum class  BodyFeatures { Segmentation = 0 , Joints = 1 , HandPoses = 3 }
enum class  BodyStatus { NotTracking = 0 , Lost = 1 , TrackingStarted = 2 , Tracking = 3 }
enum class  BodyOrientation { Top = 0 , Left = 1 , Right = 2 }
 the orientation of people's heads in depth image. 更多...
enum class  BodyTrackingFeatures { Segmentation = 0 , Skeleton = 1 , HandPose = 3 }
enum class  HandPose { Unknown , Grip }
enum class  JointStatus { NotTracked = 0 , LowConfidence = 1 , Tracked = 2 }
 Joint not currently tracked ‍/ ASTRA_JOINT_STATUS_NOT_TRACKED = 0, /! 更多...
enum class  JointType {
  Head = 0 , ShoulderSpine = 1 , LeftShoulder = 2 , LeftElbow = 3 ,
  LeftHand = 4 , RightShoulder = 5 , RightElbow = 6 , RightHand = 7 ,
  MidSpine = 8 , BaseSpine = 9 , LeftHip = 10 , LeftKnee = 11 ,
  LeftFoot = 12 , RightHip = 13 , RightKnee = 14 , RightFoot = 15 ,
  LeftWrist = 16 , RightWrist = 17 , Neck = 18 , Unknown = 255
 Head ‍/ ASTRA_JOINT_HEAD = 0, /! 更多...
enum class  PixelFormat {
  Unknown = 0 , DepthMM = 100 , RGB888 = 200 , YUV422 = 201 ,
  YUVY = 202 , RGBA = 203 , NV21 = 204 , Gray8 = 300 ,
  Gray16 = 301 , Point = 400
enum class  SkeletonOptimization {
  Optimization1 = 1 , MinimizeMemory = 2 , Optimization2 = 2 , Optimization3 = 3 ,
  Optimization4 = 4 , Optimization5 = 5 , Balanced = 5 , Optimization6 = 6 ,
  Optimization7 = 7 , Optimization8 = 8 , Optimization9 = 9 , BestAccuracy = 9
 Represents the body tracking configuration that trades-off tracking accuracy, memory, and CPU usage. 更多...
enum class  SkeletonProfile { Full = 0 , UpperBody = 1 , Basic = 2 }
 Skeleton profile representing the set of joints to be tracked. 更多...