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Astra SDK
枚举 | |
enum class | Astra.BodyFeatures { Astra.Segmentation = 0 , Astra.Joints = 1 , Astra.HandPoses = 3 } |
enum class | Astra.BodyStatus { Astra.NotTracking = 0 , Astra.Lost = 1 , Astra.TrackingStarted = 2 , Astra.Tracking = 3 } |
enum class | Astra.BodyOrientation { Top = 0 , Left = 1 , Right = 2 } |
the orientation of people's heads in depth image. 更多... | |
enum class | Astra.BodyTrackingFeatures { Astra.Segmentation = 0 , Astra.Skeleton = 1 , Astra.HandPose = 3 } |
enum class | Astra.HandPose { Astra.Unknown , Astra.Grip } |
enum class | Astra.JointStatus { Astra.NotTracked = 0 , Astra.LowConfidence = 1 , Astra.Tracked = 2 } |
Joint not currently tracked / ASTRA_JOINT_STATUS_NOT_TRACKED = 0, /! 更多... | |
enum class | Astra.JointType { Head = 0 , ShoulderSpine = 1 , LeftShoulder = 2 , LeftElbow = 3 , LeftHand = 4 , RightShoulder = 5 , RightElbow = 6 , RightHand = 7 , MidSpine = 8 , BaseSpine = 9 , LeftHip = 10 , LeftKnee = 11 , LeftFoot = 12 , RightHip = 13 , RightKnee = 14 , RightFoot = 15 , LeftWrist = 16 , RightWrist = 17 , Neck = 18 , Unknown = 255 } |
Head / ASTRA_JOINT_HEAD = 0, /! 更多... | |
enum class | Astra.PixelFormat { Unknown = 0 , DepthMM = 100 , RGB888 = 200 , YUV422 = 201 , YUVY = 202 , RGBA = 203 , NV21 = 204 , Gray8 = 300 , Gray16 = 301 , Point = 400 } |
enum class | Astra.SkeletonOptimization { Optimization1 = 1 , Astra.MinimizeMemory = 2 , Optimization2 = 2 , Optimization3 = 3 , Optimization4 = 4 , Optimization5 = 5 , Astra.Balanced = 5 , Optimization6 = 6 , Optimization7 = 7 , Optimization8 = 8 , Optimization9 = 9 , Astra.BestAccuracy = 9 } |
Represents the body tracking configuration that trades-off tracking accuracy, memory, and CPU usage. 更多... | |
enum class | Astra.SkeletonProfile { Astra.Full = 0 , Astra.UpperBody = 1 , Astra.Basic = 2 } |
Skeleton profile representing the set of joints to be tracked. 更多... | |
strong |
No features beyond minimal body mask segmentation / ASTRA_BODY_TRACKING_SEGMENTATION = 0, /! Tracking of joints / ASTRA_BODY_TRACKING_JOINTS = 1, /! Recognition of hand poses */ ASTRA_BODY_TRACKING_HAND_POSES = 3 } astra_body_tracking_feature_flags_v; [Flags] /**
The type BodyFeatures.
枚举值 | |
Segmentation | No features beyond minimal body mask segmentation |
Joints | Tracking of joints |
HandPoses | Recognition of hand poses |
strong |
the orientation of people's heads in depth image.
The type BodyOrientation.
strong |
Body is not currently tracked / ASTRA_BODY_STATUS_NOT_TRACKING = 0, /! Tracking of body was lost / ASTRA_BODY_STATUS_LOST = 1, /! Tracking of body has begun / ASTRA_BODY_STATUS_TRACKING_STARTED = 2, /! Body is currently being tracked */ ASTRA_BODY_STATUS_TRACKING = 3, } astra_body_status_v; /**
The type BodyStatus.
枚举值 | |
NotTracking | Body is not currently tracked |
Lost | Tracking of body was lost |
TrackingStarted | Tracking of body has begun |
Tracking | Body is currently being tracked |
strong |
strong |
strong |
Joint not currently tracked / ASTRA_JOINT_STATUS_NOT_TRACKED = 0, /!
Joint is currently tracked with low confidence possibly due to an occlusion / ASTRA_JOINT_STATUS_LOW_CONFIDENCE = 1, /*! Joint is currently tracked */ ASTRA_JOINT_STATUS_TRACKED = 2, } astra_joint_status_v; /**
The type JointStatus.
枚举值 | |
NotTracked | Joint not currently tracked |
LowConfidence | Joint is currently tracked with low confidence possibly due to an occlusion |
Tracked | Joint is currently tracked |
strong |
Head / ASTRA_JOINT_HEAD = 0, /!
Shoulder spine / ASTRA_JOINT_SHOULDER_SPINE = 1, /! Left Shoulder / ASTRA_JOINT_LEFT_SHOULDER = 2, /! Left Elbow / ASTRA_JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW = 3, /! Left Hand / ASTRA_JOINT_LEFT_HAND = 4, /! Right Shoulder / ASTRA_JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER = 5, /! Right Elbow / ASTRA_JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW = 6, /! Right Hand / ASTRA_JOINT_RIGHT_HAND = 7, /! Mid spine / ASTRA_JOINT_MID_SPINE = 8, /! Base spine / ASTRA_JOINT_BASE_SPINE = 9, /! Left Hip / ASTRA_JOINT_LEFT_HIP = 10, /! Left Knee / ASTRA_JOINT_LEFT_KNEE = 11, /! Left Foot / ASTRA_JOINT_LEFT_FOOT = 12, /! Right Hip / ASTRA_JOINT_RIGHT_HIP = 13, /! Rigth Knee / ASTRA_JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE = 14, /! Right Foot / ASTRA_JOINT_RIGHT_FOOT = 15, /! Left Wrist / ASTRA_JOINT_LEFT_WRIST = 16, /! Right Wrist / ASTRA_JOINT_RIGHT_WRIST = 17, /! Neck / ASTRA_JOINT_NECK = 18, /! Unknown */ ASTRA_JOINT_UNKNOWN = 255, } astra_joint_type_v; /**
The type JointType.
strong |
The type PixelFormat.
strong |
Represents the body tracking configuration that trades-off tracking accuracy, memory, and CPU usage.
The type SkeletonOptimization.
strong |