Astra SDK  v2.1.3
Public 成员函数 | 所有成员列表

A Masked Color Frame of Masked Color Stream 更多...

#include <MaskedColor.hpp>

类 astra::MaskedColorFrame 继承关系图:
astra::ImageFrame< RgbaPixel, ASTRA_STREAM_MASKED_COLOR >

Public 成员函数

 MaskedColorFrame (astra_imageframe_t frame)
- Public 成员函数 继承自 astra::ImageFrame< RgbaPixel, ASTRA_STREAM_MASKED_COLOR >
 ImageFrame (astra_imageframe_t frame, astra_pixel_format_t expected_format)
 Default constructs 更多...
const bool is_valid () const
 get is vaild 更多...
const int width () const
 get width 更多...
const int height () const
 get height 更多...
const std::uint8_t bytes_per_pixel () const
 get bytes per pixel 更多...
const astra_frame_index_t frame_index () const
 get frame index 更多...
const astra_imageframe_t handle () const
 get handle 更多...
const RgbaPixeldata () const
 get data pointer 更多...
const size_t byte_length () const
 get byte length 更多...
const size_t length () const
 get length 更多...
void copy_to (RgbaPixel *buffer) const
 copy to buffer 更多...
void rotate (int angle)


- 静态 Public 成员函数 继承自 astra::ImageFrame< RgbaPixel, ASTRA_STREAM_MASKED_COLOR >
static astra_stream_type_t stream_type ()
 get stream type 更多...
static TFrameType acquire (astra_reader_frame_t readerFrame, astra_stream_subtype_t subtype)
 acquire frame 更多...


A Masked Color Frame of Masked Color Stream

A Masked Color Frame of Masked Color Stream

